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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Cut Muetia

(bahasa Indonesia)

Cut Muetia yang lahir tahun 1870 berasal dari keluarga muslim Aceh. Ketika ia masih muda perang aceh meletus. Masa remaja Cut Muetia gelap karena kedatangan pasukan belanda ke tanah Aceh. Keadaan perang mempengaruhi jiwa Cut Muetia sehingga ia sangat membenci belanda. karena kedatangan Belanda ke tanah Aceh membawa bencana dan kemiskinan kepada rakyat Aceh yang tidak berdosa. Setelah Cut Muetia menikah dengan seorang laki-laki yang memimpin rakyat aceh, impiannya menjadi kenyataan. Ia ingin mengusir Belanda dari tanah Aceh.
Setelah Cut Muetia menikah, ia dan suaminya membentuk pasukan yang tangguh. Cut Muetia dan pasukannya ingin mempertahankan ibu pertiwi. Mereka mulai menyerang patroli Belanda yang berpatroli di pedalaman Aceh. Ternyata mereka sering berhasil menghancurkan patroli pasukan Belanda itu. Kadang-kadang Cut Muetia dan pasukannya menyerang benteng-benteng Belanda di luar kota. Bahkan mereka menghancurkan markas besar Pemerintah Belanda. Gerankan Cut Muetia dan pasukannya menjadi penghalang besar kepada pasukan Belanda. Karena Cut Muetia menjadi penghalang besar kepada pasukan belanda, pasukan belanda membujuk Cut Muetia supaya Cut Muetia menyerah. Cut Muetia menolah bujukan itu sekaligus.
Pasukan Belanda mulai menghancurkan pasukan Cut Muetia mati-matian sehingga pasukan Cut Muetia bertambah kecil. Pasukan Cut Muetia yang bertambah kecil mengadakan perang gerilya di hutan dan di gunung. siang dan malam. Di dalam satu kontak pertempuran, salah satu dari pasukan Belanda itu menembak kaki Cut Muetia sehingga ia roboh. Pada waktu itu Cut Muetia tidak mati. Dengan cepat Cut Muetia berdiri lagi dan ia membunuh beberapa pasukan Belanda yang akan menembaknya lagi. Setelah itu Cut Muetia berguling diatas tanah, ia selamat.
Sayang sekali beberapa butir peluru serdadu Belanda menembus badan Cut Muetia dan ia tewas dalam pertempuran itu tahun 1910. Putranya Raja Sabil yang berusia11 tahun ikut serta dalam pertempuran itu. Sisa-sisa pasukan Cut Muetia meneruskan perjuangan suci Cut Muetia. Cut Muetia telah menunjukkan keberaniannya untuk mengusir pasukan Belanda dari tanah Aceh pada waktu itu. Pemerintah Republik Indonesia menganggap Cut Muetia adalah salah satu Pahlawan Nasional dewasa ini.
Diterjemahkan oleh Siswa-siswi
OXFORD UTOMO English Institute Jakarta
Tingkat Tiga Senior Sore.

Diketik Oleh : Posma Ria Tambunan
Tanggal : 2 February 1989

Cut Muetia

Cut Muetia who was born in 1870, came from an Aceh Moslem family. When she was young, Aceh war exploded. The puberty of Cut Muetia was dark because of the coming of the troops of the Dutchmen to Aceh land. The war condition influenced the spirit of Cut Muetia that she hated the Dutchmen very much. Because the coming of the Dutchmen to Aceh land brought poverty disasters to unsinful people of Aceh. After Cut Muetia got married with a man who led the people of Aceh, her dream became true. She wanted to chase away the Dutchmen from Aceh land.
After Cut Muetia got married, she and her husband shaped solid troops. Cut Muetia and her troops wanted to stand the motherland. They began to attack the patrol of the Dutchmen who patrolled in Aceh land. In fact, they were always successful to shatter the troops of the Dutchmen patrol. Sometimes Cut Muetia and her troops attacked fortresses of the Dutchmen out side of the city. Even, they smashed the head of quarters of the government of the the Dutchmen in Aceh land. The movement of Cut Muetia with her troops became a big obstruction to the troops of the Dutchmen. Because the movement of Cut Muetia became a big obstruction to the troops of the Dutchmen, the troops of the Dutchmen flattered Cut Muetia in order that Cut Muetia surrendered. Cut Muetia redused the flattery at once.
The troops of the Dutchmen began to shatter the troops of cut deadly that the troops of Cut Muetia were getting smaller. The troops of Cut Muetia who were getting smaller accomplished guerilla war in the forests and on the mountains day and night. In a contact war, one or the troops of the Dutchmen shot the leg of Cut Muetia, so that she fell down. Cut Muetia didn’t pass away at the time. Cut Muetia stood again quickly and she killed some of the tropps of the Dutchmen who would shoot her again. After that Cut Muetia rolled on the land, she was safe.
Unfortunately, some of the bullets of the troops of the Dutchmen holed the body of Cut Muetia and she was killed in the battle in 1910. Her son Raja Sabil who was 11 (eleven) years old took a part in the war. The rest of the troops of Cut Muetia continued the pure struggle of Cut Muetia. Cut Muetia already showed her courage to chase away the Dutchmen from Aceh land. The government of the Republic of Indonesia considerers that Cut Muetia is one of the national heroes of the Republic of Indonesia at the present time.
Translated by the students
of level three of afternoon class
at OXFORD UTOMO English Institute Jakarta.

Typed by : Posma Ria Tambunan
Dated : November 24th, 1989

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