Bung Hatta
(bahasa Indonesia)
Bung Hatta lahir di Bukittinggi pada tanggal 12 Agustus 1902 dengan nama lengkap Mohammad Chattar. Orang tua Mohammad Chattar memanggilnya `Khatta`. kemudian Khatta berubah menjadi Hatta. Ayahnya adalah seorang ulama. Ayah mohammad Hatta bernama Muhammad Djamil dari Batu hamparKabupaten Lima puluh Kota. Dan ibunya berasal dari keluarga pengusaha terhormat di Bukittinggi. Bung Hatta memasuki SD atau Europese School (FLS) di Bukittinggi.
----------------Juga Mohammad Hatta bersekolah di SMP (MULO atau Meir Uitgebreid Lagere Onderwijs) di padang. Mohammad Hatta pelajaran-pelajarannya ke STIE (HHS atau Handels Hogere School) di negeri Belanda dengan jurusan ekonomi perdagangan.Setelah Mohammad Hatta mendapatkan gelar sarjana muda,Mohammad Hatta pindah ke jurusan ekonomi kenegaraan. Mohammad Hatta memperoleh gelar sarjana ekonomi pada tahun 1932. Mohammad Hatta memasuki Partai Nasional Indonesia. Dan pemerintah Belanda menangkap Mohammad Hatta.
Pemerintah Belanda mengasingkan Mohammad Hatta di beberapa tempat di Indonesia,antara lain: di Bouven Digul,Irian Jaya dari tahun 1936-1942, juga ke Banda Naira.Pemerintah Belanda memindahkan Mohammad Hatta ke Sukabumi pada bulan Februari 1942. Pemerintah Belanda membebaskan Mohammad Hatta pada tanggal 9 Maret 1942. Pemerintah Belanda memindahkan Mohammad Hatta ke Jakarta pada tanggal 22 Maret 1942. Mohammad Hatta menikah dengan Rachmi pada tanggal 18 November 1945. Mohammad Hatta mempunyai 3 anak perempuan. Mohammad Hatta menjadi wakil presiden Republik Indonesia merdeka. Mohammad Hatta adalah salah satu pahlawan nasional Indonesia
Pemerintah Belanda mengasingkan Mohammad Hatta di beberapa tempat di Indonesia,antara lain: di Bouven Digul,Irian Jaya dari tahun 1936-1942, juga ke Banda Naira.Pemerintah Belanda memindahkan Mohammad Hatta ke Sukabumi pada bulan Februari 1942. Pemerintah Belanda membebaskan Mohammad Hatta pada tanggal 9 Maret 1942. Pemerintah Belanda memindahkan Mohammad Hatta ke Jakarta pada tanggal 22 Maret 1942. Mohammad Hatta menikah dengan Rachmi pada tanggal 18 November 1945. Mohammad Hatta mempunyai 3 anak perempuan. Mohammad Hatta menjadi wakil presiden Republik Indonesia merdeka. Mohammad Hatta adalah salah satu pahlawan nasional Indonesia
Diterjemahkan oleh : Siswa – siswi
Oxford Utomo English Institute Jakarta
Tingkat : III Senior Class of Afternoon Class
Diketik oleh : Christine
Tanggal : 21 September 2004
Bung Hatta
Bung Hatta was born in Bukittinggi on August 12th 1902, with fullname of Mohammad Chattar. The parents of Mohammad Chattar called him ”Khatta”. Then Khatta is changed to be Hatta. His father was a Muslim religious teacher. The name of the father of Mohammad Hatta was Muhammad Djamil from Batuhampar, Limapuluh Kota Regency. And his mother was from a respected family in Bukittinggi. Bung Hatta went to the elementary school or Europese Lagere School (ELS) in Bukittinggi.
Also Mohammad Hatta went to school at Junior High School (MULO or Meir Uitgebreid Lagere Onderwijs) in Padang Mohammad Hatta went to school at Economic Senior High School (HMS or Handels Middlebare School) in Jakarta. Mohammad Hatta continued his lessons to Economic High School (HHS or Handels Hogere School) in Netherland with Trade Economics direction. After Mohammad Hatta got the title of economic Bachelor, Mohammad Hatta moved to the State Economics direction. Mohammad Hatta got economic scholar in 1932. Mohammad Hatta entered the Indonesian National Party. And the Dutch Government caught Mohammad Hatta.
The Dutch Government isolated Mohammad Hatta in some places in Indonesia, such as: in Bouve Digul, West Irian from 1936 until 1942, also to Banda Naira. The Dutch Government moved Mohammad Hatta to Sukabumi in February 1942. The Dutch Government freed Mohammad Hatta on March 9th 1942. The Dutch Governmen moved Mohammad Hatta to Jakarta on March 22nd 1942. Mohammad Hatta got married with Rachim on November 18th 1945. Mohammad Hatta had three daughters. Mohammad Hatta became the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia. Mohammad Hatta was a powerful warrior before Indonesia was independent. Mohammad Hatta is of the Indonesian national heroes
----------------------Also Mohammad Hatta went to school at Junior High School (MULO or Meir Uitgebreid Lagere Onderwijs) in Padang Mohammad Hatta went to school at Economic Senior High School (HMS or Handels Middlebare School) in Jakarta. Mohammad Hatta continued his lessons to Economic High School (HHS or Handels Hogere School) in Netherland with Trade Economics direction. After Mohammad Hatta got the title of economic Bachelor, Mohammad Hatta moved to the State Economics direction. Mohammad Hatta got economic scholar in 1932. Mohammad Hatta entered the Indonesian National Party. And the Dutch Government caught Mohammad Hatta.
The Dutch Government isolated Mohammad Hatta in some places in Indonesia, such as: in Bouve Digul, West Irian from 1936 until 1942, also to Banda Naira. The Dutch Government moved Mohammad Hatta to Sukabumi in February 1942. The Dutch Government freed Mohammad Hatta on March 9th 1942. The Dutch Governmen moved Mohammad Hatta to Jakarta on March 22nd 1942. Mohammad Hatta got married with Rachim on November 18th 1945. Mohammad Hatta had three daughters. Mohammad Hatta became the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia. Mohammad Hatta was a powerful warrior before Indonesia was independent. Mohammad Hatta is of the Indonesian national heroes
Translated by : The Students of
Oxford Utomo English Institute Jakarta
Level : III Senior Class of Evening Class
Typed by : Christine
Dated : September 2nd, 2004
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