(bahasa Indonesia)
Cut Muetia yang lahir tahun 1870 berasal dari keluarga muslim Aceh. Ketika ia masih muda perang aceh meletus. Masa remaja Cut Muetia gelap karena kedatangan pasukan belanda ke tanah Aceh. Keadaan perang mempengaruhi jiwa Cut Muetia sehingga ia sangat membenci belanda. karena kedatangan Belanda ke tanah Aceh membawa bencana dan kemiskinan kepada rakyat Aceh yang tidak berdosa. Setelah Cut Muetia menikah dengan seorang laki-laki yang memimpin rakyat aceh, impiannya menjadi kenyataan. Ia ingin mengusir Belanda dari tanah Aceh.-
Setelah Cut Muetia menikah, ia dan suaminya membentuk pasukan yang tangguh. Cut Muetia dan pasukannya ingin mempertahankan ibu pertiwi. Mereka mulai menyerang patroli Belanda yang berpatroli di pedalaman Aceh. Ternyata mereka sering berhasil menghancurkan patroli pasukan Belanda itu. Kadang-kadang Cut Muetia dan pasukannya menyerang benteng-benteng Belanda di luar kota. Bahkan mereka menghancurkan markas besar Pemerintah Belanda. Gerankan Cut Muetia dan pasukannya menjadi penghalang besar kepada pasukan Belanda. Karena Cut Muetia menjadi penghalang besar kepada pasukan belanda, pasukan belanda membujuk Cut Muetia supaya Cut Muetia menyerah. Cut Muetia menolah bujukan itu sekaligus.
Pasukan Belanda mulai menghancurkan pasukan Cut Muetia mati-matian sehingga pasukan Cut Muetia bertambah kecil. Pasukan Cut Muetia yang bertambah kecil mengadakan perang gerilya di hutan dan di gunung. siang dan malam. Di dalam satu kontak pertempuran, salah satu dari pasukan Belanda itu menembak kaki Cut Muetia sehingga ia roboh. Pada waktu itu Cut Muetia tidak mati. Dengan cepat Cut Muetia berdiri lagi dan ia membunuh beberapa pasukan Belanda yang akan menembaknya lagi. Setelah itu Cut Muetia berguling diatas tanah, ia selamat.
Sayang sekali beberapa butir peluru serdadu Belanda menembus badan Cut Muetia dan ia tewas dalam pertempuran itu tahun 1910. Putranya Raja Sabil yang berusia11 tahun ikut serta dalam pertempuran itu. Sisa-sisa pasukan Cut Muetia meneruskan perjuangan suci Cut Muetia. Cut Muetia telah menunjukkan keberaniannya untuk mengusir pasukan Belanda dari tanah Aceh pada waktu itu. Pemerintah Republik Indonesia menganggap Cut Muetia adalah salah satu Pahlawan Nasional dewasa ini.
Diterjemahkan oleh Siswa-siswi
OXFORD UTOMO English Institute Jakarta
Tingkat Tiga Senior Sore.
Diketik Oleh : Posma Ria Tambunan
Tanggal : 2 February 1989
Cut Muetia
Cut Muetia who was born in 1870, came from an Aceh Moslem family. When she was young, Aceh war exploded. The puberty of Cut Muetia was dark because of the coming of the troops of the Dutchmen to Aceh land. The war condition influenced the spirit of Cut Muetia that she hated the Dutchmen very much. Because the coming of the Dutchmen to Aceh land brought poverty disasters to unsinful people of Aceh. After Cut Muetia got married with a man who led the people of Aceh, her dream became true. She wanted to chase away the Dutchmen from Aceh land.
After Cut Muetia got married, she and her husband shaped solid troops. Cut Muetia and her troops wanted to stand the motherland. They began to attack the patrol of the Dutchmen who patrolled in Aceh land. In fact, they were always successful to shatter the troops of the Dutchmen patrol. Sometimes Cut Muetia and her troops attacked fortresses of the Dutchmen out side of the city. Even, they smashed the head of quarters of the government of the the Dutchmen in Aceh land. The movement of Cut Muetia with her troops became a big obstruction to the troops of the Dutchmen. Because the movement of Cut Muetia became a big obstruction to the troops of the Dutchmen, the troops of the Dutchmen flattered Cut Muetia in order that Cut Muetia surrendered. Cut Muetia redused the flattery at once.
The troops of the Dutchmen began to shatter the troops of cut deadly that the troops of Cut Muetia were getting smaller. The troops of Cut Muetia who were getting smaller accomplished guerilla war in the forests and on the mountains day and night. In a contact war, one or the troops of the Dutchmen shot the leg of Cut Muetia, so that she fell down. Cut Muetia didn’t pass away at the time. Cut Muetia stood again quickly and she killed some of the tropps of the Dutchmen who would shoot her again. After that Cut Muetia rolled on the land, she was safe.
Unfortunately, some of the bullets of the troops of the Dutchmen holed the body of Cut Muetia and she was killed in the battle in 1910. Her son Raja Sabil who was 11 (eleven) years old took a part in the war. The rest of the troops of Cut Muetia continued the pure struggle of Cut Muetia. Cut Muetia already showed her courage to chase away the Dutchmen from Aceh land. The government of the Republic of Indonesia considerers that Cut Muetia is one of the national heroes of the Republic of Indonesia at the present time.
Translated by the students
of level three of afternoon class
at OXFORD UTOMO English Institute Jakarta.
Typed by : Posma Ria Tambunan
Dated : November 24th, 1989
(bahasa Indonesia)
Joko Tingkir tinggal di tepi Bengawan Solo jaman dahulu. Ia hidup sendirian didalam sebuah gubuk. Joko tingkir adalah seorang pemuda dan Joko Tingkir adalah sakti. Tetepi ia tekun menuntut ilmu dengan bertapa dipinggir sungai Bengawan Solo. Juga Joko Tingkir mengerti bahasa binatang. Maksudnya bahwa Joko Tingkir dapat berkomunikasi dengan binantang di dalam hutan di dekat Bengawan Solo pada waktu itu. Pada suatu hari Joko Tingkir ingin pergi kesubuah desa lain. Tetapi Joko Tingkir harus menyeberangi subuah sungai yang besar sebelum ia tiba di desa itu.Di dalam sungai itu sebenarnya banyak buaya dan buaya itu sangat jahat kepada manusia. Begitu banyak manusia menjadi korban buaya-buaya itu didalam sungai itu. Joko Tingkir mengetahui keadaan itu dan ia terus menyeberangi sungai itu. Mula-mula Joko Tingkir mengambil sebuah rakir bambu, setelah itu, Joko Tingkir menyeberangi sungai itu sendirian. Beberapa ekor buaya sedang menuju rakit Joko Tingkir dan Joko Tingkir tidak takut kepada buaya itu.Setelah satu dari buaya itu menyerang Joko Tingkir diatas rakit itu, tetapi Joko Tingkir dapat membunuh buaya itu. Kemudian beberapa buaya itu menyerang Joko Tingkir tetapi karena Joko Tingkir sakti ia mampu membunuh semua buaya itu dengan kesaktiannya. Kemudian Joko tingkir selamat menyeberangi sungai itu. Diseberang sungai itu seokor kerbau menyerang Joko Tingkir. Untung sekali Joko TIngkir memukul kepala kerbau itu dan kerbau itu mati. Dan orang di desa itu berbahagia dan mereka mengangkat Joko Tingkir sebagai Kepala Desa. Dan mereka hidup bahagia selamanya.----------------------
Diterjemahkan oleh Siswa-siswi
OXFORD UTOMO English Institute Jakarta
Tingkat Tiga Senior Malam.Diketik Oleh : Endang SupriyatnaTanggal : 3 Oktober1989-----------------------------------------------------------Joko Tingkir
Joko Tingkir lived at the side of Bengawan Solo many years ago. He lived alone in a hut. Joko Tingkir was a young man and Joko Tingkir was supernatural. But he was diligent to look for knowledge of living as on acetic at the side of Bengawan Solo River. Also Joko Tingkir understood animals language. It meant that Joko Tingkir could contact with the animals in the forest near the river of Bengawan Solo at the time. One day Joko Tingkir wanted to go to another village. But Joko Tingkir must cross a large river before he arrived at the village.
Actually, there were many crocodiles in the river and the crocodiles were very cruel to people. There were so many people to became a victim of the crocodiles in the river. Joko Tingkir knew the condition and he wanted to continue to cross the river. First, Joko Tingkir took a bamboo raft. After that Joko Tingkir crossed the river alone. Some crocodiles were coming to the raft of Joko Tingkir.
After one of the crocodiles attacked Joko Tingkir on the raft. But Joko Tingkir could kill the crocodile. Then some crocodiles attacked Joko Tingkir. But Joko TIngkir was supernatural. He could kill the crocodiles with his supernatural power. After that Joko Tingkir was safe to cross the river. At the cross of the river, a buffalo attacked Joko Tingkir. Fortunately, Joko Tingkir hit the head of the buffalo and the buffalo died. The people of the village were happy and they apponted Joko Tingkir to be head of the village. And they lived in happiness forever.
Translated by the students
of level three of afternoon class
at OXFORD UTOMO English Institute Jakarta.
Typed by : Endang Supriyatna
Dated : October 3rd, 1989
(bahasa Indonesia)
Marta Khristina Tiahahu adalah pahlawan paling muda di Indonesia dewasa ini. Ia lahir tahun 1800 di nusa laut, kepulauan Maluku. Marta Khristina Tiahahu adalah putri dari kapten Paulus. Kapten Paulus adalah seorang pimpinan pasukan Nusa Laut. Pada waktu itu Marta Khristina Tiahahu berusia 17 tahun. Dan bapaknya sedang bertempur melawan Belanda di Saparua. Pertempuran pada itu sangat hebat. Marta Khristina Tiahahu ikut bersama ayahnya.Sayang sekali, pasukan Belanda dapat menangkap ayahnya. Dan pasukan Belanda menjatuhkan hukuman mati pada tanggal 17 November 1817. Marta Khristina Tiahahu sangat sedih. Darahnya bergelora. Ia sangat benci Belanda.Setelah kematian ayahnya, Marta Khristina Tiahahu masuk ke hutan bersama pasukannya. Ia ingin melanjutkan perjuangan ayahnya. Saying sekali, pasukan Belanda dapat menangkap Marta Khristina Tiahahu bersaman pasukannya. Kemudian pemerintah Belanda mengirim Marta Khristina Tiahahu ke pulau jawa supaya ia melakukan pekerjaan paksadi perkebunan kopi. Sayang sekali, Marta Khristina Tiahahu sakit di atas kapal. Ia tidak mau makan dan minum. Bahkan ia menolak untuk meminum obat. Jadi Marta Khristina Tiahahu sakit keras. Akhirnya ia wafat. Kemudian orang Belanda di atas kapal mengubur jenazahnya ke dalam laut diantara pulau Buru dan pulau Tiga. Benarlah Marta Khristina Tiahahu adalah seorang Srikandi. Ia mempunyai hati baja untuk mempertahankan ibu pertiwi.-----------------
Diterjemahkan oleh Siswa-siswiOXFORD UTOMO English Institute Jakarta
Tingkat Tiga Senior Sore.Diketik Oleh : Posma Ria. T
Tanggal : 29 September 1989-------------------------------------------------------------------
Marta Khristina Tiahahu(English)Marta Khristina Tiahahu is the youngest hero in Indonesia at the present time. She was born in 1800 in Nusa Laut, Maluku island. Marta Khristina Tiahahu was the daughter of captain Paulus. Captain Paulus was a leader of the troops in Nusa Laut. Marta Khristina Tiahahu was 17 years old at the time. And her father fought against the Dutchmen in Saparua. Her battle was very tremendous at the time. Marta Khristina followed her father. She saw the cruelty of the Dutchmen to the people of Indonesia.
Unfortunately, the Dutchmen could seize her father. And the troops of the Dutchmen pronounced the death sentence on November 17th 1817. Marta Khristina Tiahahu was very sad. Her blood was impetuous. She hated the Dutchmen very much.
After her father’s death, Marta Khristina Tiahahu entered the forest with her troops. She wanted to continue her father’s struggle. Unfortunately, the troops of the Dutchmen could seize her troops. Then the government of the Dutchmen sent Marta Khristina to java island. In order that, she did force work in the coffee plantations. Unfortunately, Marta Khristina was sick on board. She didn’t want to eat and drink. Even, she refused to drink medicine. So, Marta Khristina was seriously ill. Finally, she passed away. Then the Dutchmen on the ship buried her dead body into the sea between Buru island and Tiga island. It’s right Marta Khristina Tiahahu is a woman hero. She has the steel heart to stand motherland.
Translated by the students
of level three of afternoon class
at OXFORD UTOMO English Institute Jakarta.
Typed by : Posma Ria. T
Dated : September 29th, 1989
(bahasa Indonesia)
Persatuan Bangsa-Bangsa adalah sebuah organisasi besar terdiri dari banyak negara. Persatuan bangsa-bangsa banyak mempunyai anggota yang terdiri bermacam-macam bangsa. PBB memegang peranan penting untuk kepentingan seluruh bangsa. Juga organisasi PBB terdiri dari banyak bagian yang mengurus bermacam-macam persoalan di seluruh dunia. Umpamanya ada bagian yang mengurus keamanan,dan juga ada bagian yang mengurus kesehatan dan kesejahteraan. Seperti kita ketahui,Indonesia adalah sebuah negara merdeka adalah salah satu anggota PBB. Karena dengan memiliki keanggotaan PBB, Republik Indonesia dapat membantu negara-negara berkembang di seluruh dunia. Umpamanya pemerintah Republik Indonesia sering mengirimkan pasukan keamanan ke luar negri. Juga Republik Indonesia sering mengirimkan bantuan obat-obatan dan makanan kepada negara-negara yang membutuhkannya di luar negeri.Jelaslah bahwa peranan PBB sangat penting untuk menjaga keamanan dunia dan mengatasi perbedaan-perbedaan di antara bangsa-bangsa. Juga PBB sangat berguna untuk mempercepat proses persoalan di antara bangsa-bangsa di seluruh dunia. Negara Republik Indonesia juga pernah mendapat bantuan PBB untuk mengatasi pertikaian antara Indonesia dan Belanda. Itulah sebabnya pemerintah Republik Indonesia merasa perlu bagi bangsa Indonesia menjadi anggota badan dunia ini. Seperti kita ketahui Indonesia adalah anggota ke 60 di PBB.Apabila kita mengunjungi Monumen Nasional dan Monumen Sejarah Nasional di Monas, kita akan melihat bendera Indonesia Sang Saka Merah Putih di kibarkan di depan gedung PBB, yang menandakan keberadaan Republik Indonesia kepada badan dunia ini sebagai anggota ke 60 ini. Kita bangga terhadap organisasi PBB ini. Karena organisasi ini berguna kepada seluruh bangsa di dunia ini.
Diterjemahkan oleh Siswa-siswi
OXFORD UTOMO English Institute Jakarta
Tingkat Empat Senior Sore.
Diketik Oleh : Rika Nurulita.
Tanggal : 20 February 1990
The United Nations Organization
The United Nations Organization is a great organization, which consists of a lot of countries. The United Nations Organization has many members, which consists of various kinds of nations. The United Nations Organization keeps an important role for the interests of all nations in the world. Also the United Nations Organization consists of a lot of parts, which a range various kinds of problems all over the world. For example there is a part, which takes care of security and also there is a part, which takes care of health and welfare. As we Indonesia which is an independent country, is one the members of the United Nations Organization. It is important for the Republic of Indonesia to become a member of the United Nations Organization. Because by having the membership of the United Nations Organization, the Republic of Indonesia can help developing countries all over the world. For example, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia often sends the security troops to foreign countries. Also the Republic of Indonesia often sends medicine supports and food to countries, which need it.
It is clear that the role of the United Nations Organization is very important to take care of the world security and to surpass the differences among nations. Also the United Nations Organization is very useful to surpass the process of problems all over the world. The Republic of Indonesia also had got supports from the United Nations Organization to surpass conflict between Indonesia and the Dutchmen. That is why the Government of the Republic of Indonesia feels that it is important to Indonesian nations to become the member of the world body. As we know that Indonesia is the sixtieth member of the United Nations Organization. If we visit the national monument and the historical monument in the national monument, we will see that diorama shows the Indonesian's flag Sang Saka Merah Putih, is housted in front of the building of the United Nations Organization, which means the state of the Republic of Indonesia is as the sixieth member. We are proud of this organization. It is useful to all nations all over the world.
Translated by the students
of level four of afternoon class
at OXFORD UTOMO English Institute Jakarta.
Typed by : Rika Nurulita.
Dated : February 20th, 1990
(bahasa Indonesia)
Di sebuah desa ada seorang pemuda. Penmuda itu bernama Jaka Tarub. Jaka Tarub tinggal bersama bibinya di sebuah desa. Jaka Tarub suka mengadu ayam di desa itu. Penduduk desa itu menyukai Jaka Tarub. Jaka Tarub dan teman-temannya bekerja di ladang mereka di desa itu. Jaka Tarub juga menyukai penduduk desa itu.
Sebenarnya Jaka Tarub tinggal di sebuah hutan di dekat desa itu. Jaka Tarub tinggal di sebuah gubuk di dekat hutan itu. Jaka Tarub bekerja di ladangnya di dekat hutan itu. Di dekat gubuk Jaka Tarub ada sebuah hutan. Di tengah-tengah hutan itu ada sebuah sungai. Di pinggir sungai itu banyak pohon-pohon besar. Jaka Tarub selalu mandi di sungai itu.
Pada waktu itu, cuaca panas di sekitar hujan itu. Pada waktu itu, Jaka Tarub pergi ke dalam hutan itu. Jaka Tarub ingin mencari kayu api. Di kejauhan Jaka Tarub melihat tujuh wanita di tengah-tengah sungai itu. Beberapa bidadari sedang mandi, beberapa bidadari sedang ketawa, dan beberapa bidadari sedang terjun ke dalam sungai itu. Jaka Tarub heran, biasanya tidak ada wanita mandi di sungai itu. Jaka Tarub menyangka ketujuh wanita itu adalah para wanita pencari kayu di hutan itu dari desa lain.
Diterjemahkan oleh : Siswa – siswi
Oxford Utomo English Institute Jakarta
Tingkat : III Senior Class of Afternoon Class
Diketik oleh : Christine
Tanggal : 10 Juni 2004
Joko Tarub and Seven Angles
There was a young man in a village. The name of the young man was Jaka Tarub. Jaka Tarub lived together with his aunt in a village. Jaka Tarub liked to pit a cock in the village. The villagers liked Jaka Tarub. Jaka Tarub and his friends worked on their farms in the village. Also Jaka Tarub liked The villagers.
Actually, Jaka Tarub lived in a forest near the village. Jaka Tarub lived in a hut near the forest. Jaka Tarub worked on his farm near the forest. There was a forest near the hut of Jaka Tarub. There was a river in the middle of the forest. There were many trees at edge of the river. Jaka Tarub always took a bath in the river.
The weather was hot around the forest at the time. Jaka Tarub went into the forest at the time. Jaka Tarub wanted to look for fire woods. Jaka Tarub saw seven women in the middle of the river in the distance. Some of the angels were taking a bath, some of the angels were laughing, and some of the angels were diving into the river. Jaka Tarub was astonished, usually there was not a woman taking a bath in the river. Jaka Tarub thought the seven women were the women looked for the woods in the forest from other villages.
Translated by : The Students of
Oxford Utomo English Institute Jakarta
Level : III Senior Class of Afternoon Class
Typed by : Cristine
Dated : June, 10th 2004
(bahasa Indonesia)
Bung Hatta lahir di Bukittinggi pada tanggal 12 Agustus 1902 dengan nama lengkap Mohammad Chattar. Orang tua Mohammad Chattar memanggilnya `Khatta`. kemudian Khatta berubah menjadi Hatta. Ayahnya adalah seorang ulama. Ayah mohammad Hatta bernama Muhammad Djamil dari Batu hamparKabupaten Lima puluh Kota. Dan ibunya berasal dari keluarga pengusaha terhormat di Bukittinggi. Bung Hatta memasuki SD atau Europese School (FLS) di Bukittinggi.Juga Mohammad Hatta bersekolah di SMP (MULO atau Meir Uitgebreid Lagere Onderwijs) di padang. Mohammad Hatta pelajaran-pelajarannya ke STIE (HHS atau Handels Hogere School) di negeri Belanda dengan jurusan ekonomi perdagangan.Setelah Mohammad Hatta mendapatkan gelar sarjana muda,Mohammad Hatta pindah ke jurusan ekonomi kenegaraan. Mohammad Hatta memperoleh gelar sarjana ekonomi pada tahun 1932. Mohammad Hatta memasuki Partai Nasional Indonesia. Dan pemerintah Belanda menangkap Mohammad Hatta.
Pemerintah Belanda mengasingkan Mohammad Hatta di beberapa tempat di Indonesia,antara lain: di Bouven Digul,Irian Jaya dari tahun 1936-1942, juga ke Banda Naira.Pemerintah Belanda memindahkan Mohammad Hatta ke Sukabumi pada bulan Februari 1942. Pemerintah Belanda membebaskan Mohammad Hatta pada tanggal 9 Maret 1942. Pemerintah Belanda memindahkan Mohammad Hatta ke Jakarta pada tanggal 22 Maret 1942. Mohammad Hatta menikah dengan Rachmi pada tanggal 18 November 1945. Mohammad Hatta mempunyai 3 anak perempuan. Mohammad Hatta menjadi wakil presiden Republik Indonesia merdeka. Mohammad Hatta adalah salah satu pahlawan nasional Indonesia
Diterjemahkan oleh : Siswa – siswi
Oxford Utomo English Institute Jakarta
Tingkat : III Senior Class of Afternoon ClassDiketik oleh : Christine
Tanggal : 21 September 2004
Bung Hatta
Bung Hatta was born in Bukittinggi on August 12th 1902, with fullname of Mohammad Chattar. The parents of Mohammad Chattar called him ”Khatta”. Then Khatta is changed to be Hatta. His father was a Muslim religious teacher. The name of the father of Mohammad Hatta was Muhammad Djamil from Batuhampar, Limapuluh Kota Regency. And his mother was from a respected family in Bukittinggi. Bung Hatta went to the elementary school or Europese Lagere School (ELS) in Bukittinggi.
Also Mohammad Hatta went to school at Junior High School (MULO or Meir Uitgebreid Lagere Onderwijs) in Padang Mohammad Hatta went to school at Economic Senior High School (HMS or Handels Middlebare School) in Jakarta. Mohammad Hatta continued his lessons to Economic High School (HHS or Handels Hogere School) in Netherland with Trade Economics direction. After Mohammad Hatta got the title of economic Bachelor, Mohammad Hatta moved to the State Economics direction. Mohammad Hatta got economic scholar in 1932. Mohammad Hatta entered the Indonesian National Party. And the Dutch Government caught Mohammad Hatta.
The Dutch Government isolated Mohammad Hatta in some places in Indonesia, such as: in Bouve Digul, West Irian from 1936 until 1942, also to Banda Naira. The Dutch Government moved Mohammad Hatta to Sukabumi in February 1942. The Dutch Government freed Mohammad Hatta on March 9th 1942. The Dutch Governmen moved Mohammad Hatta to Jakarta on March 22nd 1942. Mohammad Hatta got married with Rachim on November 18th 1945. Mohammad Hatta had three daughters. Mohammad Hatta became the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia. Mohammad Hatta was a powerful warrior before Indonesia was independent. Mohammad Hatta is of the Indonesian national heroes
Translated by : The Students of
Oxford Utomo English Institute Jakarta
Level : III Senior Class of Evening ClassTyped by : Christine
Dated : September 2nd, 2004
(bahasa Indonesia)
Cut Nyak Dien adalah pahlawan wanita dari aceh. Cut Nyak Dien lahir pada tahun 1848. Ayah Cut Nyak Dien bernama Teuku Nanta Seulia. Sewaktu Cut Nyak Dien masih kecil, ia belajar agama dari orang tuanya dan gurunya. Cut Nyak Dien adalah sangat tabah dan salehah. Dan Cut Nyak Dien berpendirian teguh. Cut Nyak Dien menikah dengan Teuku Ibrahim Lamnga pada tahun 1862.Teuku Ibrahim Lamnga adalah seorang pejuang. Cut Nyak Dien dan Teuku Ibrahim Lamnga mempunyai seorang anak. Ketika perang Aceh meletus pada tahun 1873, suami Cut Nyak Dien juga berjuang melawan pasukan Belanda. Didalam suatu pertempuran, Teuku Ibrahim Lamnga gugur. Cut Nyak Dien mengungsi ke Montasi. Kemudian Cut Nyak Dien bertemu dengan Teuku Ibrahim Lamnga. Teuku Umar adalah seorang pejuang juga.
Cut Nyak Dien dan Teuku Umar menikah pada tahun 1878. Cut Nyak Dien dan Teuku Umar bersama-sama melawan pasukan Belanda. Dalam sebuah serangan di Meulaboh, Teuku Umar tertembak pada tanggal 11 Februari 1899. Seteleh suami Cut Nyak Dien wafat, Cut Nyak Dien memimpin pasukan-pasukan itu. Perang Aceh itu berlangsung sampai tahun 1904. Pemerintah Belanda berhasil menemukan markas Cut Nyak Dien. Pasukan Belanda menangkap Cut Nyak Dien.Pasukan Belanda membuang Cut Nyak Dien ke Sumedang, Jawa Barat. Cut Nyak Dien wafat di Sumedang pada tahun 1908.-----------------
Diterjemahkan oleh : Siswa – siswi
Oxford Utomo English Institute Jakarta
Tingkat : III Senior Class of Afternoon Class
Diketik oleh : Rizki Mulyadi
Tanggal : 10 Agustus 2004
Cut Nyak Dien
Cut Nyak Dien is a heroine from Aceh. Cut Nyak Dien was born in 1848. The name of the father of Cut Nyak Dien was Teuku Nanta Seulia. When Cut Nyak Dien was a child, she studied religion from her parents and her teachers. Cut Nyak Dien was very patient and virtuous. And Cut Nyak Dien was strongly opinionated. Cut Nyak Dien got married with Teuku Ibrahim Lamnga in 1862.
Teuku Ibrahim Lamnga was a warrior. Cut Nyak Dien and Teuku Ibrahim Lamnga had a child. When Aceh war exploded in 1873, the husband of Cut Nyak Dien also struggled to resist the Dutch troops. Teuku Ibrahim Lamnga was killed in a battle. Cut Nyak Dien evacuated to Montasi. Then Cut Nyak Dien met Teuku Umar. Teuku Umar was a warrior too.
Cut Nyak Dien and Teuku Umar got married in 1878. Cut Nyak Dien and Teuku Umar struggled to resist the Dutch troops together. Teuku Umar was shot in an aggression in Meulaboh on February 11st 1899. After the husband of Cut Nyak Dien passed away, Cut Nyak Dien led the troops. The Aceh ear happened until 1904. The Dutch Government succeeded to find the post of Cut Nyak Dien. The Dutch troops caught Cut Nyak Dien to Sumedang, West java. Cut Nyak Dien passed away in Sumedang in 1908.
Translated by : The Students of
Oxford Utomo English Institute Jakarta
Level : III Senior Class of Afternoon Class
Typed by : Rizki Mukyadi
Dated : August, 10th 2004