Children Class
Children Class
2. (Elementary Students 4th to 6th grade / SD Kelas 4 sampai 6)
Duration in one level: 90 minutes / twice a week / 48 meetings
Lama Belajar satu tingkat: 90 menit / 2 x semingggu / 48 pertemuan
Learning Purpose: Consisteing of three levels. This is an advanced class of Pre-Children Class and also the new students in fourth to sixth grade of elementary school. The students will learn basic words and letters in English, Colors, Vocabulary enrichment, greetings, daily conversation, daily routine, basic needs, etc. After studying in three level the students are required to be able saying parts of the body, knowing the days of the week and months, introducing themselves shortly, asking permission in the class, telling their daily routine, basic of making a story about past event and etc.
Tujuan Pembelajaran: Terdiri dari tiga level. Ini merupakan kelas lanjutan dari tingkat Pre-children Class dan juga siswa-siswi baru dari kelas 4 (empat) sampai 6 (enam) Sekolah Dasar. Siswa-siswi akan belajar kata-kata dasar dan huruf dalam bahasa Inggris, warna, perbendaharaan kata, ucapan salam, percakapan sehari-hari dan kegiatan sehari-hari. Setelah belajar di tiga level siswa-siswi di tuntut menguasai mengucapkan bagian-bagian anggota tubuh, mengetahui nama-nama hari dan bulan, mengenalkan diri, meminta izin di dalam kelas menceritakan kegiatan sehari-hari.
Learning Method:
- In one class consists of 10 to 20 students
- Singing a song
- Playing games
- Role play
- Presentation
- Coloring
Metode pembelajaran:
- Di dalam satu kelas terdiri dari 10 sampai 20 siswa
- Bernyani lagu
- Bermain permainan
- Bermain berperan
- Presentasi
- Mewarnai
Course Tuition
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