OXFORD UTOMO Menyelenggarakan Kursus Bahasa Inggris, Komputer, Baca Tulis Plus dan Akuntansi
OXFORD UTOMO: Jl. Kebantenan III No. 3 Jakarta Utara 14130 ~ Phone: 021 - 4403073 ~

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Speaking English

Speech Title: Speaking English


Good morning ladies and Gentlemen and good morning to my teachers and all my friends. First of all, I would like to say thank you very much to the leader of OXFORD UTOMO and to my teachers at OXFORD UTOMO for giving me an opportunity to stand here for giving a speech. Ladies and Gentlemen now let me introduce my self, my name is Jacky Chan. I am in level one Children Class, I am an elementary student. And now, I would like to tell you about “Speaking English”.

Main idea

Dear ladies and gentlemen and all my friends, as we know English is a language that spoken in many countries. Every body has known about English, also we study English at school from elementary to senior high school even in college. The question is “why is English?” Every body knows English is the international language.

By speaking English we can communicate to other people from many countries. Speaking English is not difficult if we want to study hard. Many things we can do to improve our English such as reading English book and stories, listen to English songs or watch English movies and also we should try to speak English all the time and with every one. In other word we make English a usual for us.

Well friends, if we to communicate in English, we should try to speak English to every one or in every where. Also we can ask our friends to practice English by sending messages, when we go for hangout to someplace or even we can make a friend through internet technology by chatting for example.

To communicate with another, we can start with the simple way, for example when we meet with someone we can greet by saying “hi, how do you do?” or even when our parent ask us to do something we can reply by saying “yes mom/dad, I will!”.

Conclusion and closing

Therefore, don’t be shy or afraid to speak English and even when we make a little mistake. What we should do, we keep improve our English every time and keep speaking English all the time. Well my friends I hope in this opportunity and start from now we should to speak English among us.

Well friends that’s all from me and I would like to say thank you very much to all my teachers at OXFORD UTOMO and for the committee for giving me an opportunity.

Thank you very much ladies and gentlemen and my dear friends.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

going to Mekarsari

Setelah melaksanakan ujian kenaikan level, OXFORD UTOMO akan mengadakan "study tour" ke mekarsari untuk siswa siswi OXFORD UTOMO yang akan di laksanakan pada:

Hari/Tanggal: Minggu/May 31st, 2009
Jam: 07.00 sampai dengan selesai
Tujuan: Taman Rekreasi Mekarsari
Biaya: Rp. 120.000 (khusus siswa)
Fasilitas: Transport, tiket masuk, makan siang, doorprize dan masih banyak lagi...

Lomba nyanyi, lomba pidato/baca cerita, kegitan mengenal alam dan lain-lain.


Pendaftaran/Keterangan lebih lanjut:
(Miss Hanni)
Jl. Kebantenan III No. 3
Jakarta Utara 14130
Phone: 021 4403073


Daftarkan diri kamu segera.........

So..... Don't Miss it......

Monday, March 16, 2009

Waspadai Tanggal 1 April

April Mop? Mudah-mudahan begitu. Namun, menurut Computer Associates (CA), tanggal 1 April mendatang harus diwaspadai. Ditengarai, hari itu akan menyebar varian baru dari worm Conficker (Downadup), yakni Win32/Conficker.C, secara besar-besaran yang setiap harinya menyasar sampai 50.000 URL.

Menurut CA, dibandingkan dua vresi worm sebelumnya, Conficker. C sudah sangat meningkat dalam caranya menyusupi komputer pengguna. CA mengatakan, versi mutakhir ini menanggalkan beberapa fungsionalitas penyebarannya, tetapi mungkin tidak akan memicu reaksi dari software sekuriti karena ia menjegal tool yang digunakan untuk memonitor dan membuang Conficker dari sistem-sistem yang terinfeksi. Yang dijegal misalnya ProcessExplorer.

Payload ini memang tidak langsung merusak file, tetapi worm telah disetel untuk beraksi di masa depan. Ia akan memodifikasi dan menurunkan setelan sekuriti Windows, menghapus system restore points, menonaktifkan servis, seperti Windows Defender dan Error Reporting Service, mematikan 23 layanan yang terkait sekuriti, memblokir akses ke 71 situs web developer software sekuriti dan bersiap mengunduh file-file arbitrary dari sejumlah situs web.

Menurut CA, Conficker.C akan mencoba mengakses 50.000 URL setiap hari. Karena itu, Anda disarankan untuk memperbarui software sekuriti Anda sebelum worm menjadi aktif.

source: kompas

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